By No Other Name — Cassilhaus

Contact CassiLhaus

Chapel Hill North Carolina

By No Other Name



March 29, 2020 – May 10, 2020 (Extended due to COVID-19 until at least September)

In a mythological Southern landscape, the natural world carves a pathway to a transcendence -- an experience that brings a greater understanding and meaning of this world. This landscape gives an outlet to derive belief, tradition, and spirituality from one’s deep connection to it. The water of a healing spring brings a community together to gather and bathe in its graces. The presence of natural rock formations brings one of the last indigenous craftsmen back into the woods to search for the abundance his ancestors once encountered. The search for the mythical Sasquatch drives an entire investigative effort by the ones who believe. A coven of modern witches use the landscape for clues of clairvoyance and celebration.

This body of work examines the act of searching within this mythological Southern landscape. It is a visual narrative with nonlinear attributes, presenting no beginning and no end, but rather a series of moments that exemplify the curiosity of such an investigation of the natural world. In all experiences, there is an intentionality in turning their back on Southern preconceptions – finding their own mythologies and realities to depend upon, activating their communities with new ideas, and adding to the complicated and textured qualities of a Southern life.

Cassandra Klos is a MFA candidate in Duke University’s Experimental and Documentary Arts program. Within her interests of science fiction, climate, and historical archives, she uses storytelling and photography as a way to breathe life into situations where visual manifestations may not be available. Her work has been exhibited and published across the United States and internationally. She is the 2019-2020 curatorial intern here at Cassilhaus.


A 3-D Matterport virtual tour of By No Other Name is available here.

Due to Covid-19, all on-site events have been postponed. If you’d like to be the first to hear about events and exhibitions in the future, please sign up to be on our mailing list. Gallery Guide is available here.

Private appointments for individuals, schools, or other groups upon request. Please email